The Reification Fallacy

I have written a few posts about the logical problem of making an abstract concept concrete:

This rhetorical trick is called “The Reification Fallacy” and goes by several other names:

  • Fallacy of Misplaced Concreteness (Whitehead)
  • Concretism
  • Concretizing the Abstract
  • Hypostatisation: [Gk. hypostatos: substantially existing] attributing real identity to (a concept).  See Hypostasis in theology (wiki)
  • Ontological Fallacy

Reification Fallacy is the error of treating an invented idea as a concrete thing.  For example if someone, “I fought with my boss today”, “boss” is a concrete thing.  But if someone says, “During the war, I fought for justice”,  “justice” is abstract.  “Justice”, in this case is only an amalgam of ideas particular to that speaker.  Everyone has a different idea of “justice”, but if we start to think that “justice” is a real thing which we must search for the truth about, and we forget that we created the idea, then we would be reifying “justice”. The trouble comes when we start to think of abstractions as if they were concrete realities themselves.  These abstractions are only useful if people use them to talk about ideas they agree about, it only works for in-house echo-chamber conversations.  But they can be used very deceptively too.  Thus, abstractions can be used as quick heuristics for useful communication or tools to deceive ourselves and others.  So it is important to remember the difference between abstractions and real things.

The Reification Fallacy is a type of Ambiguity Fallacy (see: Fallacy Files) and I have illustrated its place on the Fallacy Taxonomy above. Interestingly, I can’t find the “Reification Fallacy” discussed in the “Fallacy Files”. But here are some sources that do discuss it:


Filed under Philosophy & Religion

6 responses to “The Reification Fallacy

  1. From both a physicist’s & a Buddhist’s point of view, do we not apply this reification fallacy universally—even to the ceramic mug we drink our coffee from each morning?

  2. Hey, Daniel,
    I thought you were a Kindergarden teacher!? Or did you major in Physics decades ago and are still using that title? 🙂

    Reification is the process of taking an ABSTRACT notion (of which a ceramic mug is not one) and making it concrete (like a coffee mug).
    Does that make sense?

    So in Buddhist circles: You see self as ’empty’ and then imagine a thing called ’emptiness’ and then eulogize “Emptiness” — with a capital “E”.

  3. Must eliminate desire… Must eradicate sin…
    So do you think that reification is behind the creation of gods and goddesses used to symbolize an abstract notion? Satan for sin, Manjushri for knowledge, etc?

  4. Just nominated you for the Liebster Award (thought provoking). Cheers!

    Nominated for Thought Provoking (Liebster) Award

  5. @ancientwaykevin,
    Sorry, I did not follow your first line.
    Reification is definitely one of many manipulative ways to get folks to make believers and patriots. Religions, Politics and Business and more uses all human foibles to sell their wares.

    @ myrthryn,
    Thanks for the compliment, but out of principle I refuse to participate. Never liked chain letters. Though, as you know, I have been suckered into MLM in my past. I hope that is thought-provoking without being to much of a jerk. 😦

  6. Earnest

    I anthropomorphise inanimate objects all the time, is that on topic?

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