Please Build an “About” Page

AboutIf I just directed you to this post, it is because you are blogless commentor or a blogger without an About Page.

I completely understand why a person wouldn’t want to have their own blog — blogs are a lot of work and not everyone’s desire.  But if you are spending a lot of time commenting on other blogs, may I make a compromise suggestion: put up a simple About Page.

Instead of a big, time-intensive blog, simply build an “About” page and leave the rest blank.  Go to (my favorite) or at or other free blogging sites and get a blog and just set up that page and tell us about yourself.  That way when someone reads your comment, they can click on the link under your name, and then quickly go read a page or two about you so they know more about who they are taking too.  Such sharing makes conversations much more interesting.

If you are already a blogger and don’t have an About page, please consider building one and sharing a bit more about yourself.


For folks without an About page, here is how to format an “About” page:  Blogger folks see here and WordPress folks see here.

For those with scant information about themselves, I offer some helpful outlines on sharing your demographics, your philosophy, your theology and more, here on my “Share Thyself” post.


Filed under Blogging

3 responses to “Please Build an “About” Page

  1. chialphagirl

    I have tried making an about page but I can’t figure out how to get the tabs at the top like you have. I am not very computer savvy apparently. 🙂

  2. A response to chialphagirl: Your own about page looks okay to me (the format, not the content).

    Sabio has the tab at the top, because that’s where his theme puts it. Different themes change the appearance of the page. Your them puts the about tab where you are seeing it.

    If you have some spare time, visit the wordpress themes page, and look around. Maybe try one or two alternatives. The nice computer savvy folk at wordpress have done all of the work to have a variety of different looks available for your blog. (Note that most of the themes are free, but a few have a small annual fee).

Please share your opinions!