My Supernatural Experiences

This is an index post of some of my unusual experiences Spiritual or Mystical or Supernatural or Superstitious –> you decide!

Theories on the Supernatural & Superstitions:




Emotive / “Visual”


Force at a Distance

Related Index Posts


I’ve learned that some minds are more prone to have “supernatural” experiences than others; my mind is one such mind.  If you read some of my experiences above, readers will disagree on how to label them: “Supernatural”, “Spiritual”, “Mystical”, “Illusory”, “Superstitious”, “Magical”.   Thought, nowadays, though I don’t believe in a separate spiritual world, I also don’t force myself to discount experiences too easily.  Some of my experiences above, I can now perhaps explain away, but most of them I just allow to rest in my head with the label “unusual”.  (To understand this stance, see my post on “Traffic Light Epistemology“)

To me, these experiences illustrate that our minds are not rational calculators.  We are not truth machines.  For those of you who consider yourselves very rational, I contend that all of us are far more irrational than we’d perhaps even like to imagine.

Religion-free folks may read these post and thing “This guy is crazy” and feel they can easily dismiss these experiences.  They may feel that they don’t have a superstitious bone in their body — but I disagree and hope some of the posts show that.

Religious folks may read these post and thing “This guy was demon possessed”, or “This guy has seen into the spiritual realm” or agree that “This guy is crazy”.   But I think many religious folks have their own supernatural stories.  Of course those that do, probably interpret them within their own religious tradition.

But whether you are religious or not, or something in-between, such perceptions have to be accounted for.


Filed under Bad Science, Events, Personal, Science

4 responses to “My Supernatural Experiences

  1. What’s a “withered city”? Is that like, say, Milton Keynes?

  2. Thank you for your interest Stuart (Yunshui) — I wrote out the witthered city story for you. And I don’t know … tell me if the Withered City looks like your Milton Keynes in England.

  3. sortofpsychic

    I’m an atheist, but I’m also what I call a supernaturalist – I believe in these things because I’ve read and experienced them. You seem to have a natural talent and should explore it – try and If you have done telekinesis, healed, spoken with spirits, and more, you’re definately a natural psion.

  4. Wow, I am a psion ! I seriously think not. 🙂

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